My Fav YouTubers #1

HEY GUYS! Today I will be blogging about my top five favorite YouTubers at the moment and WHY!

Let's get started! (THE ORDER IS JUST RANDOM)

1. Rclbeauty101: She is definitely one of the most popular videos, with her 11,000,000 subscribers and she's awesome! I love her vlogs, hacks, and beauty videos! They are awesome!

2. Marissa Rachel: She has super weird videos, but most of them are super fun to watch, especially the dating videos!

3. Reaction Time: He's funny, although slightly wrong, and his videos are super amusing!

4. juliababyjen: She is not the most popular YouTuber, but she's super awesome and her book reviews are amazing!

5. Krazyrayray: She's awesome and fun to watch! I would recommend watching her videos if you like vlogs.

Please check out my own channel that I collab on with a friend! When Newbs Try to Game

Thanks, MIC ;D


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