Types of Girls at School!

Hey, guys! So today I'm doing TYPES OF GIRLS AT SCHOOL! I know a lot of people are going back to school and I decided that I would start some back to school posts :D

Anyways, today's post is the different types of girls at school. I'm literally just naming the stereotypes and I'm not trying to be rude to anyone or offend anyone or anything so please don't take this to heart. Also, comment down below if you see any of these in you! I'll say which ones I am in bold XD



1) The Mean Girl
So this is generally the Queen Bee, the one who thinks she's better than everyone else, the one who's popular but who people are afraid of, the one who is rich and thinks that her money makes her better than others. I mean, at my school, the popular girls are all mostly really nice and don't fit this description at all, but I'm sure at some schools, there are those mean girls who torment people's lives all day long.

2) The Nerdy Girl
The nerdy girl is basically the really smart one who is a little geeky and a little awkward. She mostly hangs around with smarter people and knows stuff. :D I'm the nerdy girl SOMETIMES :D

3) The Teacher's Pet
I legit have been the teacher's pet and it's pretty nice academically. But there are always those people who despise the teacher's pets and it's really kind of rude because it's not our fault that the teachers like us. Do they want us to be troublemakers?? Anyways, they are the ones that the teacher always calls on, uses as examples, or just praises in front of the class. They are also generally smart or pretend to be, at least XD

4) The Goth Girl
The goth girl is someone who generally wears black everything and she stays quiet and isn't really noticed as much. She also has kind of depressing thoughts and has a sad outlook on life...

5) The Quiet Girl
There is always that one girl in the back of the class who never participates and is always seen reading and hanging around one or two friends instead of a huge crowd of friends. The quiet girl is ALWAYS me. I'm literally just there in the background and I'm always told constantly to "Speak up and participate, please."

6) The Cheerleader
These are the really loud, excited, energetic, peppy girls who aren't afraid to be there at the top of everything, ready to cheer really loud, and be the one who helps people along. They don't necessarily have to be on the cheer squad though... especially since we don't even have one at our school!

7) The Boy-Crazy Girl
The boy-crazy girl is that one who is always talking about boys. Their crushes always change and they seem to think that every guy is hot or something. I've never been that type of girl... sure, I talk about the boys but I don't go crazy about every single one!

8) The Gossip Girl
The girl who always spreads gossip and rumors, and isn't afraid to tell secrets to others. "Oh, I promise I won't tell" and then they tell the whole school. They are perfectly okay with starting a lot of drama.

9) The Average Girl
She's the one who speaks up sometimes, is relatively smart, and has enough friends to not be popular but not be unpopular. She also is docile and just plain ordinary.

10) The Drama Queen
The one who makes every little thing a big thing and who isn't afraid to be melodramatic and loud. She has to be the center of attention and she's a little bit "annoying" to the quiet ones.


Please comment if you could relate to any of these! These aren't meant to offend anyone so please no hate! Thanks so much!



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